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The school sits on 22 acres of land encompassing classrooms, dormitories, staff housing, administrative buildings, a soccer field, playground, farm land, bore holes, banana groves, eucalyptus trees, passion fruit vines, cassava plants and many other locally grown plants. Additionally there are chicken coops, rabbit hutches, duck cages, goat corrals and sheep herds to teach the students animal husbandry skills. Through all of this the students are taught various trades useful for their success in Uganda.

After leaving Hope Primary School, AROAD continues to provide support for some children as they enter Secondary School. AROAD is always seeking sponsors who can continue to support children as they continue their education beyond Primary School.

Hope Primary School has itself been the foundational launching pad for another 12 indigenously grown rural schools through graduates of Hope Primary. 


In the last 30 years African Rural Outreach and Development has planted over 50 local churches in the Southern part of Uganda through our evangelistic team. Most of the local pastors and evangelists have been involved with AROAD for over 20 years.

Born 1944 in Uganda, Richard Kabazzi accepted Christ in 1964 at 20 years old. He married in 1972 and came to the States where he enrolled in Denver Seminary. He graduated in 1975 with a Masters in Divinity. In 1975, he became Pastor of Nairobi Baptist Church in Kenya. In 1980, he came back to the States and served as Regional Director for International Students, Inc. in Philadelphia, and later appointed Assistant Field Director, and relocated to Colorado Springs. In 1986, Mr. Kabazzi felt God leading him back to Uganda. He established AROAD with the objectives of starting churches through a ministry that served the whole person. He has since planted over 50 churches in rural Uganda, multiple schools and a fish farm. He and has wife have three grown children and six grand children.

© 2024  AROAD

​Reach us: 

African Rural Outreach and Development

PO Box 484

Blue Bell, PA 19422

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